Rummy / Pool Rummy
Pool Rummy Pool Rummy

Pool Rummy on A23

What is Pool Rummy?

Pool Rummy is a popular variation of the classic card game Rummy. The Rummy Pool Game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, with the aim of forming valid Rummy sets and sequences.

Online Rummy is played in a relatively common format called "Syndicate" in which the player with the lowest score wins. The player is eliminated, and the game is won by the last player standing if the final score hits or is above 101/201. A game of Pool Rummy can have 2-6 participants.

Play the Pool Rummy app using the A23 Pool Rummy App download from the Google Play Store or iOS Store. You can also get the app via APK download and play Rummy online.

How to Play Pool Rummy on A23

In Pool Rummy, the game is played with a fixed number of deals, and the points scored in each deal are added to the player's score. The player with the lowest score at the end of all the deals is the winner.

When you play Pool Rummy online, you will come across two main types: 101 and 201. In 101 Pool Rummy, the game is played with 10 deals, and the player with the lowest score at the end of the 10th deal is the winner. In 201 Pool Rummy, the game is played with 20 deals, and the player with the lowest score at the end of the 20th deal is the winner.

On A23, we have a third type of Pool Rummy, called 51 Pool. While it is similar to the 101 and 201 pools, the drop values are different, along with some other details. Play Indian Rummy to explore various Rummy games either on the A23 Rummy app, which you can download from the Google Play store or the iOS store. You can also use the Pool Rummy APK by downloading it from our website and enjoy playing Pool Rummy online.

Pool Rummy Rules

The cards are dealt to the players after being shuffled in a game of Pool Rummy online. The number of players in the game determines how many cards are dealt to each player. A two-player game deals each player 13 cards, whereas a three- or four-player game deals each player 7 cards.

The remaining cards are placed face down in the centre of the table to form the stockpile. The top card of the stock pile is turned face up to form the discard pile.

The player to the left of the dealer begins the game by drawing a card from either the stock pile or the discard pile. The player can choose to take the top card of the stockpile or any card from the top of the discard pile. Once the player has drawn a card, they must discard one of the cards from their hand. The discarded card is placed face-up on top of the discard pile.

The game continues in a clockwise direction, with each player drawing and discarding cards in turn. The aim of the game is to form valid sets and sequences. A set is a group of three or four cards of the same rank but of different suits. For example, a set could be three kings of different suits. A sequence is a group of three or more cards of the same suit in numerical order. For example, a sequence could be the six, seven, and eight hearts.

A player can declare their hand as soon as they have formed all their cards into valid sets and sequences. The player must then lay their cards down on the table for the other players to see. If the cards are found to be valid, the player wins the game and scores zero points. If the cards are found to be invalid, the player's score is calculated based on the point value of the cards in their hand.

In Pool Rummy, the point value of each card is as follows:

  • Ace: 10 points
  • Face cards (King, Queen, and Jack): 10 points
  • Number cards: face value (e.g. a 5 of any suit is worth 5 points.)

The player with the lowest score at the end of all the deals is the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the lowest score in the final deal is the winner.

The player with the lowest score at the end of all the deals is the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the lowest score in the final deal is the winner.

101 Pool Rummy

101 Pool is a variant of Pool Rummy where the player with the lowest score at the end is declared the winner.

Rules of 101 Pool Rummy

The values for Drop are 20 points; Middle Drop is 40 points; and Full Count is max. 80 points. There are two Wild Card Jokers and two Cut Jokers in all rounds. And for the winning hand, a player needs to have 1 Pure Life (Straight Sequence without a Joker), and 1 more Life with or without a Joker is compulsory.

The player who makes a successful Show gets 0, and the other players get a score that is equal to the sum of the values of their cards that are not part of a valid Life or Set. These scores get added up after the end of every round. A player is eliminated once his score is 101 or more. And a player can re-join only if no other player is above 79.

Play Rummy online and win big, only on A23 Rummy.

201 Pool Rummy

201 Pool, just like 101 Pool, is another variant of Pool Rummy where the player with the lowest score at the end is declared the winner.

Rules of 201 Pool Rummy

The values for Drop are 25 points, Middle Drop is 50 points, and the full count is max. 80 points. A player needs 2 Wild Card Jokers and Cut Jokers in all rounds, and for a winning hand, a player needs to have 1 Pure Life (Straight Sequence without a Joker) and 1 more Life with or without a Joker.

The player who makes a successful Show gets 0, and the other players get a score that is equal to the sum of the values of their cards that are not part of a valid Life or Set. These scores get added up after the end of every Round. A player is eliminated once his score is 201 or more. A rejoin is allowed only if no player is above 174. And for 201 Pool-NR games, no rejoins are allowed. Play Rummy games and win big only on A23 Rummy.

51 Pool

51 Pool is a variant of Pool Rummy where the player with the lowest score at the end is declared the winner.

Rules of 51 Pool Rummy

The values for Drop are 10 points; Middle Drop is 20 points; and Full Count is max. 80 points.

There are two Wild Card Jokers and two Cut Jokers in all rounds. And for the winning hand, a player needs to have 1 Pure Life (Straight Sequence without a Joker), and 1 more Life with/without a Joker is compulsory.

The player who successfully makes a Show receives a score of 0, while the other players receive a score equal to the total value of their cards that do not form a legal Life or Set. At the conclusion of each round, these scores are totaled. Once a player's score reaches 51 or above, they are out. Additionally, a player may only re-join if no other player has a score above 39.

Excited to play Pool Rummy? Download A23 app today to play Pool Rummy and win big prizes.

FAQs on Pool Rummy

The pool rummy game is played similarly to other rummy games in that players must submit a legitimate declaration in order to win. Nevertheless, as pool rummy is done either with 101, 201, or 61 score points, you must be careful about the variant you are participating in while playing pool rummy.

In the 101 Pool Rummy game, the goal is to accumulate the fewest points possible during each round. Once a player hits 101 points, they are eliminated, and the other players continue. In this manner, every player is eliminated save for one, who is crowned the victor.

To score the fewest points possible throughout each round in the game of 201 pool rummy is the goal. Once a player hits 201 points, they are eliminated, and the other players continue. In this manner, every player is eliminated except for one, who is crowned the victor.

Using one or even more decks of playing cards, the game is conducted between two and four players.

Each participant contributes some cash to the game.

13 cards are dealt to each player from a thoroughly shuffled deck.

The goal of the game is for the participants to create two melds, which can either be two pure sequences, one pure sequence and one impure sequence, or one pure sequence and one set.

The first player to accomplish the aforementioned goal may request a show. At this point, the game is paused, and the sequences and sets are verified. If accepted, the player receives 0 points and is deemed the winner.

A 20-point penalty is assessed for dropping on the opening turn.

Dropping results in a 40-point deduction for every subsequent turn.

80 points are deducted for three consecutive misses or incorrect declarations.

A 25-point penalty is assessed for dropping on the opening turn.

Dropping results in a 50-point deduction for every subsequent turn.

80 points are deducted for three consecutive misses or incorrect declarations.

In pool rummy games, you can lower your score by throwing away unnecessary cards, particularly high-value cards.

You must maintain your cards' score points in 51 pool rummy below 51.

Yes, you can win real money in a Pool Rummy game on A23.

For more info, click here:

In a game of Pool Rummy, the number of cards dealt to each player depends on the number of players in the game. In a two-player game, 13 cards are dealt to each player, while in a three or four player game, 7 cards are dealt to each player.

The remaining cards are placed face down in the center of the table to form the stock pile. The top card of the stock pile is turned face up to form the discard pile.

The player to the left of the dealer begins the game by drawing a card from either the stock pile or the discard pile. The player can choose to take the top card of the stock pile, or any card from the top of the discard pile. Once the player has drawn a card, they must then discard one of the cards from their hand. The discarded card is placed face up on the top of the discard pile.

A player can declare their hand as soon as they have formed all their cards into valid sets and sequences. The player must then lay their cards down on the table for the other players to see. If the cards are found to be valid, the player wins the game and scores zero points. If the cards are found to be invalid, the player's score is calculated based on the point value of the cards in their hand.

In Pool Rummy, the point value of each card is as follows:

  • Ace: 10 points
  • Face cards (King, Queen, Jack): 10 points
  • Number cards: face value (e.g. a 5 of any suits is worth 5 points)

The player with the lowest score at the end of all the deals is the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the lowest score in the final deal is the winner.

For more info, please click on the link:

In 101 Pool, a player is eliminated once his score is 101 or more. And a player can re-join only if no other player is above 79.

In 201 Pool, a player is eliminated once his score is 201 or more. A rejoin is allowed only if no player is above 174. And for 201 Pool-NR games, no rejoins are allowed.

In 51 Pool, a player is eliminated once his score is 51 or more. And a player can re-join only if no other player is above 39.

You can find more info on this here:

To play a pool rummy game on A23 Rummy, you have to play a small entry fee that starts at ₹10 (51 and 101 Pool), and ₹25 for 201 Pool.